Wibbly Pig is an animated preschool comedy series that finds humor and fun in the daily routine of a young child. Based on the hugely successful books by Mick Inkpen--and listed as one of the "Best Preschool TV Shows" by Common Sense Media--Wibbly Pig provides age-appropriate learning, and inspires creative play and imagination. | Wibbly paints a squiggle that comes to life and changes all his pictures! Then we learn how to start a picture with a squiggle!
Up Next in Wibbly Pig
Shadows | Castle | Flowerpots
Wibbly is making shadows on the wall. His shadow copies everything he does until it gets ideas of its own! | Wibbly has made a castle from cardboard boxes...and there is a Dragon inside! Wibbly meets a King and a Wizard who go with him to face the dragon. | Wibbly is planting a seed and he can't ...
Wibbly Can't Sleep | Cushion Mountain...
It doesn't matter which way he rolls, or if he turns the light off or on - Wibbly just can't sleep! | Wibbly STILL can't sleep. He can't get comfy, so he piles cushions until he has a cushion mountain! | Wibbly loves the way his telescope makes things look closer than they are! But then he sees a...
Star | Balloons | Boat
Wibbly is feeling nervous about the play he is going to act in. He needs a lucky star to make sure it goes well! | Wibbly is having a party and blowing up a lot of balloons, but they won't stay up in the air. He imagines floating high in the sky on a balloon. | Wibbly is using a cardboard box to ...