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Book Hungry Bears

Boomer Hides


Up Next in Book Hungry Bears

  • Crystal's Surprise

    When Crystal and Scout try to make a surprise Snow Bear for Boomer and Melody, they are confused when Boomer and Melody make the same surprise for them. BOOK: 'Handa's Surprise'. Handa carries a basket of fruit on her head and walks to the next village to surprise her friend. But along the way, s...

  • Book Hungry Bears: Melody and the Red...

    Melody thinks her dancing has made a leaf turn red and fall from a tree and wants to put it back. She learns that it is natural for things to change, and that a fallen leaf signals a change of season- from summer to autumn. BOOK: 'My Turn'. Showing how the four seasons bring change to the surroun...

  • Boomer's Boom Boom Blue

    Boomer loves to play 'Boom, Boom Blue' but has trouble adapting when others want to change the game. He learns how to be flexible and try different things. BOOK: 'Purple'. Monster One likes red, Monster Two likes blue. But when some red paint falls into the blue can they mix it up, so it turns pu...

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