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Lily's Driftwood Bay

Starfish in the Sky | All at Sea


Up Next in Collection 1

  • Silly Seals | Pirate Puffin

    Lily is determined to use her hooty horn to teach the seals to do some tricks.; Lily needs a pirate’s shipmate and swaps Puffin and Gull for the day.

  • Harbour Cookies | Seaweed Pie

    Lily finds a cookie cutter and sets up a cookie stall near the Cockle Café.; Salty leads Lily on a hunt for golden seaweed so Nonna can bake her famous pie.

  • Runaway Stag | Snippy

    A disaster on the hill to Stag Castle sends a huge statue hurtling out of control.; Lily meets an adorable new friend but finds it hard to say goodbye.