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What animal has spots and a looooong neck? A giraffe! You can make one with a paper towel roll, construction paper, and paint. | Make your own unicorn hand puppet with a sparkly golden horn!
Up Next in Curious Crafting
Paper Bag House | Teddy Bear Bag
Mandisa, Luke and Zanna build houses with a paper bag and colorful construction paper. | Crafts aren't just for decorating--you can wear them, too!
Paper Plate Ice Cream Cone | Rocking ...
Mandisa and friends make paper-plate ice cream cones with many fun toppings and textures. | Mandisa, Arjay and Georgia make a Rocking Shark that looks like it's swimming in the ocean.
Cardboard Box Firetruck | Puffy Paint...
A coat of red paint and some bottle caps for sirens can turn a plain cardboard box into a fun firetruck. | Mandisa, Vanier and Zanna make rainbow cupcakes with homemade puffy paint.