Let's Dance
20 Episodes
Set in the breathtaking studios of the National Ballet School of Canada, dancers are taught a simple dance routine at the beginning of each episode that ends with a finale performance at a surprise fantastical location.
07:00Episode 1
Let's Dance - Disco
Episode 1
Get ready to feel some disco vibes in today's class!
13:55Episode 2
Country/Tap | KPOP
Episode 2
Kick up your heels in this mashup of Tap and Country. | Kick it up KPOP style!
13:56Episode 3
Ballet Tendu | Bharatanatyam
Episode 3
Learn how to Tendu, one of the most important steps in ballet. | Learn Bharatanatyam, a dance style more than 2,000 years old.
13:55Episode 4
Hip Hop | Locking
Episode 4
Learn the basics of Popping, Locking, and Breaking in this Hip Hop routine. | More Popping and Locking.
13:55Episode 5
Hula/Cha Cha | Cha Cha
Episode 5
13:55Episode 6
Tutting | Grooves
Episode 6
Learn a Hip Hop style inspired by ancient Egyptian art. | Let your body move to the beat.
13:55Episode 7
Ballet/Hip Hop | Bollywood
Episode 7
Dancers mash up two completely different dance styles--Ballet and Hip Hop--and end up in a medieval castle. | Dance like a Bollywood film star.
13:55Episode 8
Jazz | Breakdance/Disco
Episode 8
Broadway, here we come! | Express yourself with Breakdance and Disco.
13:55Episode 9
Tap | Creative Movement/Ballet
Episode 9
Make some noise with your feet. | Create your own dance routine with Ballet and Creative Movement.
13:55Episode 10
KPOP/Tap | Country
Episode 10
Get ready to learn a KPOP and Tap combo. | Learn a Country line dance--boots and hats optional!
13:55Episode 11
Bhara/Hip Hop | Hula
Episode 11
Dancers use their leg muscles while mashing up Hip Hop and Bharatanatyam. | Hula takes you one step closer to Hawaii.
13:56Episode 12
KPOP | Jazz/Cha Cha
Episode 12
Learn the latest South Korean-style moves. | Jazz and Cha Cha are a perfect combination.
13:55Episode 13
Hip Hop/Tap | Swing
Episode 13
Hip Hop and Tap are all about the rhythm. | Swing your way into new routine.
13:55Episode 14
Jazz/Grooves | Ballet/Tutting
Episode 14
Learn a "groovy" Jazz routine. | Miss Kylie teaches a unique mashup of Ballet and Tutting.
13:55Episode 15
Breakdance/Ballet | Swing/Grooves
Episode 15
Breaking and Ballet? Yes, please! | Feel the Groove, and Swing!
13:55Episode 16
Locking | Bharatanatyam
Episode 16
Lock in some new Hip Hop moves. | Bharatanatyam is back!
13:55Episode 117
Hula | Disco/Tutting
Episode 117
Say aloha to Hula dancing! | Learn a combination of Disco and Tutting.
13:55Episode 18
Country | Jazz
Episode 18
Learn how to dance Country. | Learn the basic steps of Jazz.
13:55Episode 19
Swing/KPOP | Jive
Episode 19
What do you get when you mix KPOP with Swing? A perfect combination! | Learn to Jive, step by step.
13:55Episode 20
Breakdance | Ballet Saute
Episode 20
Learn how to downrock, a basic street style technique. | Practice a basic ballet jump.