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10 Episodes

10 original nursery songs and animated music videos for young children. Meet Kodi Fox, Judi Bee and Lili Fish, who love to dress up as animals--Lili can become a mermaid under the sea, Judi can fly among giant flowers like a bee, and Kodi can leap through the forest and talk to animals! They sing, play, learn and have fun together.

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  • Labuntina: Numbers

    Episode 1

    One is the sun in the sky, two are my hands and my eyes. Let's count up to ten and learn about numbers with Lili Fish, Judi Bee and Kodi Fox.

  • ABC
    Episode 2


    Episode 2

    A is for apple, B is for ball--but how do they sound? Learn the ABC and basic phonics, singing along with Lili Fish, Kodi Fox and Judi Bee.

  • Take a Walk

    Episode 3

    Let's take a walk with Kodi, Lili and Judi. We meet a dog, a duck, a cow--and who else? Let's learn about animal sounds!

  • Color Spy

    Episode 4

    What colors can I spy with my little eye? Let's go outside to play a game of Color Spy and see how many colors we can find!

  • Me and You

    Episode 5

    I am me, you are you, we are friends, and so are you! Kodi, Lili and Judi become friends and learn about basic pronouns.

  • Walk Jump Run

    Episode 6

    Kodi, Judi and Lili love to walk, jump and run--but what else can they do when they transform? Discover Labuntina's magical world!

  • Feelings

    Episode 7

    Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad. Feelings can be confusing for Kodi, Judi and Lili. Let's sing a song and learn about them!

  • Tic Toc Time

    Episode 8

    'Tic-Toc,' the second hand goes around the clock. From seconds, minutes and hours to days, weeks and months--'Tic-toc,' time never stops!

  • Bath Time

    Episode 109

    Hello, yellow squeaky duck, it's time to have a bath with you! Judi, Lili and Kodi love to have a bath with their yellow squeaky duck.

  • Bed Time

    Episode 10

    Bed time has come for Judi, Lili and Kodi. What do they need to do before going to sleep?